Submission Guidelines of EMCH

1. The EMCH (Journal of Early and Medieval Chinese History) publishes papers on historical studies from ancient periods up to Song dynasty.  It publishes one issue each year in December. Scholars from Taiwan and abroad are welcome to submit original papers for publication. Please do not send in a paper which is currently under review by any other journal, nor submit your paper to any other publication while it is undergoing our review process.

2. We publish journal articles in Chinese, English, and Japanese of the following categories: research papers (circa 30,000 words), research notes (circa 15,000 words), discussion papers (circa 10,000 words), fieldwork reports (circa 10,000 words), translations (circa 20,000 words), book reviews (circa 5,000 words), and conference reports (circa 5,000 words).

3. For papers in Chinese and Japanese, please follow the style sheet provided on our journal, and include the paper title in both English and Chinese. For papers in English, please follow The Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed.). For research papers, research notes, and discussion papers, please provide a 500-word abstract together with 4-6 keywords in both English and Chinese; please include a bibliography at the end of the paper.

4. Translation of a passage from a Chinese Buddhist text must be followed by the passage itself in the original. A citation should include sequence number, volume, number, page, column and line number. For example: Xu Gaoseng zhuan, T. 2060, 50: 432a18–433b10. (The author may add information of juan/fascicle number and/or chapter title after the scripture title.) The same rule applies to Daoist texts. For example: Duren shangpin miaojing, CT1: 1a-2b.

5. The articles will to be peer-reviewed by two readers, and further twice examined by our editorial board. After the review process is complete, it will be published according to the order of submission, unless special circumstances require otherwise.

6. Computers are used for editing purpose; please submit digital files in MS-WORD (.doc) or Text File (.txt).

7. It is the author’s sole responsibility to obtain all the relevant copyright permissions for any images, charts, and citations prior to submission. The Society of Early and Medieval Chinese History can take no responsibility for obtaining such permissions.

8. This journal has an online version on our website. The author must grant a non-exclusive license to the Journal and agree upon the Journal’s right to permit other database authorities to download, print, and browse the articles. Any act of reprinting (including collective volumes) must acquire the Journal’s approval in advance.

9. There is no payment for the authors’ paper contributions, instead, the contributors will be offered thirty offprints of their articles as well as two hardcopies of the latest issue.

10. When submitting your paper, please provide, in English and Chinese, your name, affiliation, correspondence address, telephone number, and email address. The papers may be submitted electronically at or posted to the EMCH Editorial Office, P.O.BOX 056 Academia Sinica Taipei City 11574 Taiwan (R.O.C.)

For more information, please visit our website: