
第二卷 第二期

目  次


「中央化」之後——唐代范陽盧氏大房寶素系的居住形態與遷移………………………鄭雅如 1

論古上清經中的道與至尊神...................................李龢書 67


《大周通禮》與《開寶通禮》內容與體例試探 ──以「通禮」為切入點......................張文昌 111

唐代惡溪小考──李德裕南貶不曾經過處州惡溪...............................................................吳修安 135

佛教經典中的睡眠觀……………………………陳識仁 151


日本的五胡十六國研究...............三崎良章著 蔡長廷譯 187

「解散部落」研究史…………….松下憲一著 林世偉譯 205


唐代的鄉里制與村制……………………………林楓玨 233


高木重俊,《唐代科挙の文学世界》…………胡雲薇 259


李磊,《六朝士風研究》…………………………趙立新 265

李四龍,《歐美佛教學術史──西方的佛教形象 與學術源流》………………………………………曾堯民 273


歷史研究手冊的製作構想及其初步實踐………陳弱水 277


Early and Medieval Chinese History

Vol. 2 No. 2 December 2010



Cheng, Ya-ju After “Centralization” : the Inhabitation and
Migration of the Fan-yang Lu Family Paosu Fang
(范陽盧氏寶素房)in Tang China…………………………….......1

Li, He-shu “Dao(the way) ” and the Highest God
in the Early Shangqing Scriptures………………………………..67
Research Notes

Chang, Wen-chang The Research for Contents and Form of
Ta-Chou Tung-Li and Kai-Pao Tung-Li:
to Focus on “Tung Li”…………………………………………..111

Wu, Xiu-an A Preliminary Textual Research on E-xi(惡溪)
in Tang Dynasty:De-yu Li Didn’t Pass Through E-xi
in Chuzhou when Derogated South…………………………….135

Chen, Shih-jen The Views of Sleep in Buddhism

Written by Misaki, Yoshiaki translated by Tsai, Chang-ting
Researches in Japan in the Sixteen States………………………187

Written by Matsushita, Kenichi Translated by Lin, Shih-wei
The Research History of ‘Tribes Disbandment………………...205


Lin, Fneg-jue Xiangli Institution and Cun Institution in Tang

Book Reviews

Hu, Yun-wei The Literary World of Imperial Examinations in
Tang Dynasty…………………………………………………..259

Chao, Li-hsin On the Evolution of Literati’s Ethos in the East
Han, Wei, Jin, the Southern and Northern Dynasties…………..265

Zeng, Yao-min A History of Buddhist Studies in Europe
and America……………………………………………………..273

Trends of Recent Rearches

Chen, Jo-shui A Beginner's Guide to Historical Research: the
Idea and Its First Result…...……………………………………277



第二卷 第一期

目  次


韓城梁帶村兩周銅器考──試論芮國封地 之歷史背景......................................................黃川田修 1

漢末三國長沙族群關係與大姓研究之一 ──漢末部分........................................................王萬雋 43


楚漢之際劉邦集團親衛組織成員的動向及其職能考述──以郎和郎將為中心..............李昭毅 87

北魏公主稱姓考....................................................................................................................黃旨彥 107

中國中古「四姓」說之回顧與檢討....................................................................................邱建智 119

兩晉南朝「白衣領職」補論................................................................................................徐 冲 135

魚豢《魏略.勇俠傳》研究札記........................................................................................李文仁 157

〈魏故輔國將軍瑯瑘太守平原明府君墓誌銘〉 考釋.......................................................蔡宗憲 179

《文館詞林.隋文帝平陳大赦詔》劄記............................................................................傅 揚 197


遊牧國家的「文明化」................................................................................護雅夫著 林慧芬譯 213


蘇哲《魏晉南北朝壁畫墓の世界》....................................................................................涂宗呈 255

Early and Medieval Chinese History

Vol. 2 No. 1 June 2010



Kikawada, Osamu Several Issues on the bronze vessels
discovered at Liangdaicun site, Hancheng city: Discussion on the
historical background of Rui state .................................................. 1

Wang, Wan-chun Ethnic relationship and local magnates of
Changsha in the last years of Han dynasty.................................... 43

Research Notes
Li, Chao-yi Activities and Functions of Liu-Bang Group’s
Personal Body System during Chu-Han Period ............................ 87

Huang, Chih-yen An Investigation into the Appellations of
Princesses in Northern Wei Dynasty........................................... 107

Qui, Jian-zhi Review: “Four Surnames” in Medieval China .... 119

Xu, Chong Reconsidering Baiyi-lingzhi白衣領職 From
the Jin to the Southern Dynasties ................................................135

Li, Wen-ren A Study of Yu Huan’s “Biographies of Yong Xia” of
Wei lue .......................................................................................157

Tsai, Tsung-hsien Textual Researches of the Epitaph of Ming Lai

Fu, Yang Research Notes on “Emperor Wen of Sui's Amnesty
Edict for Conquering Chen” in Wen guan ci lin ..........................197


Written by Masno, Moli Translated by Lin, Hui-fen The
Civilization of Nomadic Empire: The Turkish Nomadic Empire.215

Book Review

Tu, Chung-cheng Gi Sin Nanboku-chô hekigabo no sekai-e ni
kakareta gunyû kakkyo to minzoku idô no zidai (The World of the
Mural Tombs in the Wei, Jin, North and South Dynasties)...........257

會員介紹:高震寰(Kao, Chen-huan)

高震寰(Kao, Chen-huan
現 職:中央研究院歷史語言研究所助研究員